News list for " freebnk"

Cryptocurrency investment app FreeBnk completes a new round of financing of $3 million, with ChaiTech Ventures and others participating

Cryptocurrency investment app FreeBnk has announced the completion of a $3 million equity and token round of financing, with participation from Founderheads, ChaiTech Ventures, LVT Capital and Lavender Capital. The specific valuation information has not been disclosed. FreeBnk's audience is "new" to crypto investment. It currently covers tokenized RWA, gas-free non-cross-chain transfer, crypto payment and lending. The new funds will be used for research and development to create applications tha...

2024-07-05 10:38:07
加密货币投资应用FreeBnk完成300万美元新一轮融资,ChaiTech Ventures等参投

加密货币投资应用FreeBnk宣布完成一笔300万美元的股权和代币轮融资,Founderheads、ChaiTech Ventures、LVT Capital 和 Lavender Capital参投,具体估值信息暂未披露。FreeBnk的受众用户是加密投资“新手”,目前覆盖代币化RWA、免gas非跨链转账、加密支付和借贷等,新资金将用于研究和开发以创建能够增强可访问性、安全性和定制化的应用程序。

2024-07-05 10:38:07